Protective measures for stained glass windows are of great importance, especially for windows that are made of leaded glass and are often of historical and cultural value. Installing protective devices such as Hammerglass Single helps protect these valuable windows from vandalism and damage without compromising appearance and aesthetics. This report describes the installation of Hammerglass Single to secure large leaded stained glass church windows.
In 2016, Hammerglass Single was installed to protect large leaded stained glass church windows approximately 6 meters long. The panes were connected with a tongue and groove system and mounted with transparent Hammerglass brackets for security. The choice of Hammerglass as the material for the guard was based on its light weight and high safety classification. Hammerglass weighs only half of normal glass, which allows it to be installed in existing structures. In addition, it offers higher safety than conventional glass.
The installed system was Hammerglass Single 12 mm. The installation was carried out by Hammerglas AB, a company that specializes in the protection of glass and manufactures products such as Hammerglass Single.
The installation of Hammerglass Single has helped protect the leaded stained glass church windows from vandalism and damage without compromising the exterior appearance of the windows. The choice of Hammerglass as the material for the protective device was the right decision due to its light weight and high security classification. Overall, the installation of Hammerglass Single has contributed to the preservation of the valuable church windows.
Product: Hammerglass Single
Distribution: INTECH-ICS AG