Unbreakable glass for public transport waiting room

Unbreakable glass for public transport waiting house from Hammerglass proves itself! Hammerglass is 300 times stronger than glass, so no glass breakage.


Item number: 72013 Category:


unbreakable glass for public transport bus shelter - Hammerglass

Every year, bus companies have to spend huge sums on repairing broken bus shelters - completely unnecessarily. Tax money that could be used for innovation, safety and the common good. Hammerglass has developed a new generation of bus shelters with an elegant design that can withstand heavy impacts. And we mean heavy blows! That's how we win the battle against the saboteurs. Expensive, you say? Not at all, we reply. The cost of replacing ordinary tempered glass with Hammerglass pays for itself after just ONE replacement.

We proudly present the Hammerglass waiting room!

The Hammerglass bus shelter stands firm and blends in with its surroundings, it keeps the passenger in view and protects them from wind and rain - and anyone who tries to break the glass will quickly give up. Because it is simply not possible.

The bus shelter is modular and can be adapted in size as required - it can even be any length. The bus shelter is supplied as a kit and can also be supplied with its own concrete base. The most important difference is that a Hammerglass Bus Shelter has shatterproof panes made of Hammerglass or UWSB (Unbreakable Weather Shelter Basic). Both alternatives are 300 times stronger than glass and there are no repair costs for glass breakage and replacement. The entire shelter is designed for long life and lower maintenance costs.

Structure and installation

  • Modular system - Unlimited length
  • Hammerglass is 300 times stronger than glass - no glass breakage
  • Half the weight of glass - no unnecessary heavy lifting
  • The panes cannot be kicked out - the Hammerglass panes stay where they are!
  • Hammerglass' unique nano-treated surface is very easy to clean - If graffiti, markings or other staining occurs, most known cleaning agents can be used to remove it.
  • Hammerglass does not burn - Unlike acrylic/Plexiglas, the sheets are self-extinguishing
  • Available with or without concrete base

How much does it all cost?

Hammerglass is slightly more expensive than ordinary glass, but in return does not need to be replaced due to glass breakage or graffiti. Over the life cycle of the bus shelter, Hammerglass is an extremely beneficial investment. If you are looking for a shatterproof alternative, choose UWSB (Unbreakable Weather Shelter Basic) panels, which are cheaper but do not have Hammerglass special coating.

In case of scratches

Is Hammerglass susceptible to scratches? Both normal glass and Hammerglass can be scratched, but despite its hard coating, Hammerglass is a softer base material than glass. To further reduce the impact of scratches, we have designed the bus shelter as a multi-segment system, which means you only need to replace smaller panel sections rather than the entire side panel. We also offer cross-patterned panels that effectively hide scratches.

  • Modular system - replace only the damaged panel
  • Pre-printed pattern conceals scratches

Replacement panels for damaged bus shelters

It is perfectly possible to maintain existing bus shelters and have Hammerglass replacement panels installed by us. Hammerglass panels are flexible and can be shaped accordingly to fit curved profiles, for example in roof constructions.

Replacing broken glass is the most expensive. By using Hammerglass in problem areas, broken glass becomes a thing of the past and maintenance costs are minimised. This is the first step towards a healthier economy and a sustainable solution for the common good. And that is exactly the point.

«Wir sparen mehr als 10.000 EUR pro Monat»

In a pilot project in Stockholm, about 20 bus shelters were equipped with unbreakable hammer glass.

«Wir haben die Wartehallen ausgewählt, die am meisten von Vandalismus betroffen waren und bei denen das Glas alle zwei Wochen ausgetauscht werden musste. Seit der Installation der Hammerglass-Scheiben mussten wir kein einziges Glas mehr austauschen! Wir gehen davon aus, dass wir allein an diesen 20 Bushaltestellen mehr als 10.000 EUR pro Monat eingespart haben – wirklich unvorstellbare Zahlen.»

Nobina will now continue to replace glass with Hammerglass panels in their bus shelters:

«Für die Mitarbeiter ist es viel angenehmer, Graffiti abzuwischen, als in zerbrochenem Glas mit schweren Platten herumzulaufen. Neben dem Arbeitsumfeld und den Finanzen gibt es noch einen dritten Faktor, der mindestens genauso wichtig ist, nämlich dass unsere Kunden in einer sauberen, unbeschädigten Wartehalle auf den Bus warten können. Wir sind auf jeden Fall sehr zufrieden und möchten andere Verkehrsunternehmen einladen, sich selbst ein Bild von uns zu machen.» (Andreas Mehlqvist, Nobina)

Bring Hammerglass into your discussions!

Our designers can help with drawings and suggestions for functional solutions. We are happy to set up demonstration panels at a heavily discounted price to test Hammerglass wherever it is needed.

Decorate with a variety of prints and colours

Manchmal reicht Standardglas nicht aus, man will einfach «das gewisse Extra». Mit HammerART können Hammerglasscheiben mit speziell entwickelten Aufdrucken versehen werden, die unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten für eine individuelle Gestaltung bieten.

For bus shelters, we particularly recommend screen printing. Hammer glass panels can, for example, be provided with municipal coats of arms or close-fitting patterns in various colours. Digital printing of photos and artistic motifs is also possible, but places somewhat higher demands on the mounting and encapsulation of the print.

For larger series of plates there is a possibility to produce color impregnated hammer glass.

Additional information

Additional information about the product unbreakable glass for public transport bus shelter - Hammerglass

Supplier: Hammerglass AB

Certifications: Link blog entryWiki Hammerglass Certifications



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